In 2011 I had the pleasure of working once again with Camille Picott, author of Raggedy Chan and the recently released Nine-Tail Fox. Both middle-grade children’s books, released through Picott’s Pixiu Press, belong to the Chinese Heritage Tale Series she is creating to make more ethnically diverse speculative fiction available for young people. »
Congratulations to Charles Brass, whose latest science fiction novel, Earth Cell, is now available in the Kindle Store and through ClearView Press. Brass and I worked on this manuscript in September of 2011. A great choice for anyone who enjoys reading about sorcery, interplanetary travel, telepathic weapons, and political conflict on an intergalactic scale. Bravo, Charles!
Drunken Boat: Online Journal of Art and Literature seeks nonfiction on illness and the body, works that put into words that which cannot be named. In the tradition of “HIV, Mon Amour” by Tory Dent and “The Two Kinds of Decay” by Sarah Manguso, we’re seeking works that articulate the varied experiences of the body. New deadline: December 31, 2011. Submit online through the submissions manager.
Exciting news for all trans and genderqueer poets! Editors TC Tolbert and Tim Peterson (Trace) are collecting submissions for an anthology to be published in 2012 by EOAGH Books. The anthology aims to publish a multiplicity of voices. It is open to a wide range of poets with diverse life experiences and writing backgrounds. So if you are trans- or genderqueer-identified and you thrive on poetic expression, dust off those archives or write the piece that’s been simmering in your brain and send it in. »